The Pro-Life Ministry employs a combination of prayer, education, and action to support "Promotion of the Culture of Life" within the parish community.
The seven elements of this ministry include: Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament; evening prayer; trip to "Stand Up for Life” in Washington, D.C.; support for the local Pregnancy Aid Center; participation in the annual Respect Life Chain; educating couples in Theology of the Body and Natural Family Planning; and adult education on legislation and political candidates relative to respecting life. In some instances this may include a call for action from our parish family.
Once a year we hold a BABY SHOWER to benefit the Pregnancy Center in Raritan
Those suffering and in need of information about the effects of abortion in their personal life can call the Pregnancy Aid & Information Center, confidential hotline @ 908-526-8121.
The mission of the St. Ann Family Life Ministry is to enrich the faith of the children and families of the Church through active participation in the liturgy and in their family. Our goal is to enhance the understanding of our faith, the gospel message, and the importance of family in the Church.
Natural Family Planning (NFP) educates couples in human sexuality and fertility. Couples can use the NFP knowledge to achieve, as well as, to postpone pregnancy through an awareness of natural body signs. NPF is taught by an experienced married couple in a series of four meetings (one per month) for four months.
On the 3rd Monday of the month at St. Ann’s church, a Prolife Rosary for an end to abortion is prayed following the 7pm Holy Mass.
St. Gianna Beretta Molla is a powerful patron for pregnant and parenting mothers. As a physician, wife, and mother, she knew intimately what it was like to struggle with a challenging medical diagnosis during pregnancy.
Please join in this novena that promotes the joy of a prolife lifestyle!
St. Gianna Novena
Rosary for Life with Bishop Checchio - Woodbridge, NJ
All are welcome to join in Praying a Rosary for Life with Bishop Checchio on Friday, January 21, 2022 in solidarity with all those who will be attending the March for Life.
Attendees will gather in St. James Parish, Woodbridge (365 Amboy Ave) parking lot at 12:45 pm (after the 12:10 pm daily Mass). They will then process to the abortion facility on Main Street where a rosary will be prayed for all those hurt by abortion.
All are welcome. For more information, contact
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