Novena prayers are usually prayed after daily Mass beginning nine days before the feast day.
St. Ann's celebrates these Novenas.
St. Rita of Cascia Novena: May 13-21
St. Rita Feast Day: May 22
St. Ann Novena: July 17-25
Feast of St. Ann and St. Joachim, parents of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Feast Day: July 26
St. Joseph Novena: March 10-18
St. Joseph, spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Feast Day: March 19
St. Anthony Novena: June 4 -12
Feast Day: June 13
St. Lucy Novena: December 4 - 11
Feast Day: December 13
On the Feast of St. Lucy, December 13, we will collect used and new eye glasses for New Eyes for the Needy, an agency that sends the glasses to those in need here in the U.S. and in developing countries. You can drop them off in the marked basket in the Church on that day or at the Parish Office.
Santo Nino Novena is celebrated every first Friday following the 7:00 PM mass.
Please check calendar for any changes.