Have you got a minute ? I need you to assist me with something discreetly. I am in a meeting now and can't talk, so just reply here. Hope read from you soon. Blessings.
Your response gives the scammer the green light to pursue you. If you reply, you receive a message like this:
Glad to hear from you Chris, I'm in a conference meeting right now and only have access to mail that’s why i'm contacting you through here. I should have call you instead of mailing you but phones calls are not allowed to be use during the short hours i'll be using here. I just need to get Ebay gift card today for some women going through cancer at the hospital but I can't do that right now because of my busy schedule. Can you get it from any store around you possibly now? and I’ll pay you back .There are 5 of the women but i'm thinking of $1000 worth of Ebay gift card only .($200 denomination each. That's 5 cards of $200 each).All Best Blessings.
This ought to sound suspicious. Please be careful when responding to emails.