The Parish Pastoral Council of the Catholic Church of St. Ann is composed of volunteer parishioner representatives. It is an advisory council for the support of the pastoral role of the Pastor. It brings concerns from parishioners to the pastor and helps disseminate information. Members are to think, pray and plan about how to advance the mission of the parish.
Parish Council Members:
Father Tom Odorizzi, Karen Soriano (Chair), Mike Patente, Jim Werner, Christine Esposito, Mark Esposito, Ruth Ann Kerr, George Gunzelman, Theresa Florczak, Ken Swartz,
The Finance Council of the Catholic Church of St. Ann, advises the Pastor regarding the temporal goods of the parish. The Finance Council reviews parish income and expenses and recommends ways to improve the overall financial health of the parish. It is helpful to have members on the Council with a financial/business background. Members with experience in the fields of law and construction are also often helpful The Finance Council meets several times during the year, and on an as needed basis.
Every Sunday a dedicated group of volunteers come together to count and certify the weekend collections and prepare its deposit. Volunteers work in teams of three so that the same team is not required to count every weekend.
Finance Council Members:
New members needed. If interested please call Father Tom Odorizzi.