Baptism is the door to life and to the kingdom of God. It is the beginning of initiation into a life committed to Christ. Baptism is without fruit if not lived out. The Sacrament invites the baptized on a pilgrimage with the whole Church, seeking the fullness of faith – eternal life in Christ. Baptism calls the person in this life to actively engage in Christ's mission of love, to become like Christ, the revelation of God's love. The Baptismal Ritual itself is rich in meaning. The Rite includes the proclamation of the scriptures. As Christians, this states the importance of the Word of God in the life of the Christian community and individual Christian. The Word also comes alive in the blessing of the Baptismal Water which recalls God's saving actions among His people. The symbols used in Baptism clearly express Catholic teaching. We begin with the sign of the cross on the forehead which marks us the cross of Jesus – identifying the daily struggles of our life with His cross. The oil of chrism anoints us as priest, prophet and king. The lightning of the candle from the Paschal candle reminds us that we have accepted Christ, who drives away the darkness of sin. Clothing in white demonstrates that we are a new creation. The "Ephphetha" or prayer over the ears and mouth indicates our openness to hear the Word of God, and our readiness to proclaim His praises.
New Parents must attend one preparation session before the Baptism. The session will provide you with an introduction to the theology of Baptism and the wonder of this beautiful Sacrament.
Please contact the parish office to register for a session.
If you are 18 years of age or older, you must register with the Parish Office as an adult. This is important if you wish to be a Sponsor for Confirmation or Godparent. It takes 6 months of attending Mass to be eligible for both of these privileges.
Catholic Godparents, not registered at St. Ann's must have a sponsor certificate signed by their own parish.
Baptisms are typically held the first and third Sunday of the month at 1:30 except during Lent.